
Setting up Git, SSH and GitHub

ssh -T Test SSH connection. Check fingerprint.

ls -al ~/.ssh Checks if existing SSH keys are present.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" Create SSH keys.

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" Start ssh-agent.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 Add SSH private key to the ssh-agent.

git config --global "name"

git config --global ""

git config --global core.editor "code --wait"

git clone <URL> Clones remote repository.

git init Creates new local repository.

git remote -v Shows short names and URLs of the remote servers.

git remote add <shortname> <url> Add remote repository.

Working with Git

git fetch <remote> Downloads changes from the remote repository.

git pull <remote> Same as git fetch and git merge combined.

git commit -am Stages and commits in one step.

git ls-files Shows files in staging area (index).

git status -s Short status.

git push <remote> <branch> Pushes changes to remote repository.

git mv "old name" "new name" Renames files both on the working dir and staging area.

Fixing common mistakes

Read the book.